《公益旅館Hotel for Good》訂一間房捐一百元 為偏鄉小學畢旅圓夢
你知道台灣有許多偏鄉小學的小朋友,在畢業前都沒有機會離開自己的家鄉出門旅行,更別說是一生只有一次的畢業旅行?由掌方軟體股份有限公司與美麗華國際旅行社股份有限公司串聯成立的「公益旅館Hotel for Good」線上訂房平台,3月18日正式上線,同時啟動「偏鄉畢旅圓夢計畫」,民眾只要透過「公益旅館Hotel for Good」平台訂房,每筆訂房將撥出100元,作為偏鄉小學的畢旅住房基金。
In Taiwan, lots of students who are from remote elementary school, have no chance to travel before they graduate, even leave a step from their village so far. Not to mention about a once in a life time graduation trip. “Hotel for Good” online booking service, which is cooporate by PalmForce Software and Miramar Travel, officially activate on March. 18. Booking hotel through “Hotel for Good” online booking serveice, each booking allocate 100 NT dollars to the fund of graduation trip for students who are from remote elementary school.
「公益旅館Hotel for Good」(www.hotelforgood.tw)線上訂房平台由掌方軟體主辦,美麗華國際旅行社協辦贊助,這個公益平台將成為台灣旅行業投入CSR社會企業責任的啟動者,由「訂房做公益‧旅行有意義」概念,為出遊訂房掀起公益新態度!平台將由美麗華國際旅行社協助提供訂房系統與旅遊規劃,目前已串聯近30間旅館及超過60種房型加入,而提供記者會舉辦場地的美麗信花園酒店,更領先旅館業者積極投入參與。
“Hotel for Good” online booking service is organized by PalmForce Sofeware, co-organized and sponsored by Miramar Travel. With the concept of “booking a room for welfare, making a meaningful trip ”Hotel for Good is not only the start for Taiwan tourism industry to devote to Corporate Social Responsibility, but also create new attitude for traveling. By far, more than 30 hotels and over 60 types of rooms are available online, Miramar Travel assists booking system and travel plan, and Miramar Garden Taipei joins to “Hotel for Good” beyond other hotels.
Ms. Wang, Tzu-Yun, the principal of Shihzih Elementary of Chiayi County, appreciated that Shihzih Elementary can be the first beneficiary of “Hotel for Good. “ also, she announced that 3 girls from six grades of Shihzih Elementary, will start their graduation trip on April. They plan to play the violins to achieve dream via railway, from South-link Line Hwa-Tung Line, and record their musical adventure.
Also, 10 six grade students from specially presented a traditional performance with Tayal dance and instruments, creating warm and delightful atmosphere to the press. Their teacher, Mr. Huang Wen-pin , said that the students already planned graduation trip by themselves, not only want to see the beauty of Miramar Ferris Wheel, but also hope can be buskers at Tamsui. Moreover, they planned to cooperate with Hotel for Good, add culture and creative elements in their trip, to experience distinctive Taipei.
主導與執行公益旅館的掌方軟體總經理游能專特別強調,這個計畫展現出企業「有多少能力,就做多少事」行善要即時的態度,號召旅行業者關注企業社會責任,讓一般消費者在旅行從事戶外活動放鬆時,憑藉訂房就能夠實踐公益;《公益旅館Hotel for Good》啟動為偏鄉小學實現畢旅圓夢的計畫,讓學生與老師共同計劃特色旅程,跳脫制式的包套行程,規劃自己的難忘漫遊,同時寫下屬於自己旅途中的動人故事,成就出善意與共享的態度。
Mr. Yo, the manager of PalmForce Software, who manages and executes hotel for good, keeps emphasizing the key is “Do as much as you are capable of. ”Not only hope to appeal Corporate Social Responsibility of travel industry, but also make masses practice charity by “book a hotel, achieve a dream.”Meanwhile, the students can create their own trip, instead of the cliché one, to go on an adventure and memorize the moment, and learn kindness and generosity through this project.
Miramar Travel Chairman, Li, Cheng-Yuan is the co-organizer and sponsor of the project, roared that she is really convincing through Hotel for Good, and would like to do whatever she can to assist the project, helping children to create an individual experience. Furthermore, to transmit the concept and idea of Hotel for Good, let masses can be part of public welfare and achieve dreams for children.
Miramar Garden Taipei is the first hotel to join Hotel for Good, general manager, Huang, An-Di, mentioned that accommodations are easily for hotel industry to offer, and it is the best assistance for the children. Children deserve to explore around Taiwan, if more travel agencies and hotels participate in, Hotel for Good will present completely new and unique field of Taiwan travel. Miramar Garden Taipei sincerely invite each travel agency and hotel to join, together to create new travel atmosphere in Taiwan.
「公益旅館Hotel for Good」線上訂房平台(www.hotelforgood.tw)正式上線,發願今年將透過訂房基金,實現20所偏鄉小學的畢旅圓夢計畫,同時也邀請擁有需求的偏鄉小學提出申請計畫,以補助畢旅住房為主軸,實現更多孩子踏訪台灣各地的夢想;並將透過旅行開啟嶄新的眼界及態度,同步邀請行銷志工、文字攝影志工、偏鄉在地報導志工加入,也歡迎旅行計畫中相關業者異業合作,讓全民大眾皆能與公益親密接軌。
Hotel for Good (www.hotelforgood.tw) is now officially online, expecting to help 20 remote elementary school achieve dreams in this year. Hotel for Good is also inviting remote elementary school which is in need, to file an application online, let children have chance to travel Taiwan, broaden their horizons and cultivate attitude. Moreover, invite all volunteers of marketing and media to join, welcome all companies related to travel community to collaborate, and the masses to take part in the public welfare, to “book a hotel, achieve a dream.”
【訂房做公益‧旅行有意義 www.hotelforgood.tw】